
Cozy Knit Bobble Stitch Throw Pattern

We’re excited to unveil our latest creation – the Cozy Knit Bobble Throw Pattern!

This new design is perfect for adding a touch of warmth and charm to your home, and it’s an excellent project for both beginners and seasoned knitters. The cozy and squish factor runs high making this a great choice for a bedroom throw (especially for kids!).

This is not just a knitting project; it’s a labor of love that results in a beautiful, handmade piece for your home. So, grab your needles, pick out your favourite yarn, and let’s get knitting!

Cozy Knit Bobble Stitch Throw Pattern

Pattern Notes:

The main version of this pattern is worked up by holding two strands of yarn together to increase the gauge. The pattern is easily adjusted for sizing and any yarn (even as single strand) can be used so long as you check your gauge! Try a color phasing yarn to add another (effortless) dimension to the work. 

Each row begins with a slst to create a more elegant finish. Don’t forget to sl that first st!

Tips for Success:

Skill Level:

            Intermediate: For knitters with some experience. More intricate stitches, shaping & finishing.


Cozy Knit Bobble Throw is written for a 42 x 52in blanket but can easily be modified in multiples of 6+5.




Special Stitch: Make Bobble: MB

*[Yo, k1] three times in the same stitch; turn work so wrong side is facing you and slip 1 purlwise, p5; turn work so right side is facing you and slip 1 purlwise, k5; turn work so wrong side is facing you and [p2tog] three times; turn work so right side is facing you and slip 1 purlwise, k2tog, pass the slipped stitch over.


Holding two strands together, cast on 101 sts.

Row 1: sl 1 st, Knit 

Row 2: sl 1 st, Purl

Row 3: sl 1 st, Knit

Row 4: sl 1 st, Purl

Row 5 (Bobble Row): sl 1 st, K4, *mb, k5* repeat within ** to end

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Row 6: sl 1 st, Purl 

Row 7: sl 1 st, Knit

Row 8: sl 1 st, Purl

Row 9: sl 1 st, Knit

Row 10: sl 1 st, Purl 

Row 11 (offset Bobble Row): sl 1 st, k7, *mb, k5*, repeat within ** to last 8 sts, k to end.

Row 12: sl 1 st, Purl 

Row 13: sl 1 st, Knit

Row 14: sl 1 st, Purl

Row 15: sl 1 st, Knit

Row 16: sl 1 st, Purl 

Repeat Rows 5-16 until you’ve reached your desired length. Bind off, weave in ends. 

Want to check out more knit blanket ideas? Take a look at our catalogue here!

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