Let’s be real, we aren’t leaving our pups out of the holiday season. I worked this up for a stocking pattern but am now realizing we can put this on anything! Enjoy adding pops of PUP to your WIPs!

Paw Motif:
With Black: Ch 4, join with a slst to first ch to form a ring
Rnd 1: Ch 2, 15 DCs within loop.
Rnd 2: [] indicates instructions per st: Ch1, sc same st, [hdc, dc], [2tr in same st] x2, [2dc,hdc], [sc], [hdc & dc in same st], [dc & tr in same st], [tr & dc in same st], [dc & hdc in same st], [sc], [hdc & dc in same st] [2tr in same st] x2, [2dc & hdc in same st], [sc], sl st to 1st sc. Bind off leaving a long tail to attach to stocking.
“Toes”: Make 4
With Black Ch 4
Row 1: [] indicates instructions per st: [hdc & dc in 2nd ch from hook], [2 dc in same st], [dc & hdc in same st]. Bind off leaving a tail to attach to the stocking.
Sew paw motif on to WIP in as shown in photo.