
Mini Tulips in a Row – Free Crochet Baby Blanket Pattern

There is nothing more special than creating a handmade item for a new baby. A crochet baby blanket is not only a thoughtful gift, but it is also a practical one. A handmade baby blanket can be cherished for years to come and passed down through the generations. It may take some time and effort, but the end result is well worth it. Happy crocheting!

Pattern Notes:

This pattern is worked up in multiples of 3 sts. Feel free to adjust the pattern to the size you desire in per chart below. 


As written: Approx. 35x40in 


Feel free to change up the colors! These are just a suggestion. 


16 sc and 20 rows with a 4.0 mm (U.S. G/6) crochet hook


Ch: Chain

Sts: Stitches

Slst: Slip stich

Sc: Single crochet

Sc2tog: Single crochet 2 together

SK: Skip

Dc: Double crochet

Hdc: Half double crochet

YO: Yarn Over

LPS: Loops

RS: Right Side

WS: Wrong Side

Shell: (DC, ch 1, DC) in st

Cluster (CL): (YO, insert hook in specified st and draw up a loop to hight of DC) 4 times, YO and draw through all 9 loops on hook


With color a ch 132

Row 1 (RS): sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch to end, ch 1, turn (131 sts)

Row 2 (WS): sc in each st to end, ch 1, turn

Row 3 (RS): sc in each st to end, ch 1, turn

Row 4 (WS): sc in each st to end, bind off color A

Row 5: (RS): with right side facing, join B with slst in first sc at right; ch 4 (counts as a dc an ch-1 sp), sk next sc, shell in next sc, *sk next 2 sc, shell in next sc, rep from * to last 2 sc, sk next sc, dc in last sc. Finish off B, do not turn

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Row 6 (RS): with right side facing, join C with sl st in 3rd ch of ch-4 at right, ch4 (counts as a dc and ch-1 sp), *CL in ch-1 sp of next shell, ch 2, rep from * across to last shell, CL in last shell, ch1, dc in dc. Finish off C, do not turn

Row 7 (RS): with right side facing, join A in 3rd ch of ch-4 at right, ch 1, sc in same st, sc in next ch-1 sp; *sc in CL, 2 sc in ch-2 sp, rep from * across to last CL, sc in CL, sc in ch-1 sp, sc in dc, ch 1, turn

Row 8 (WS): sc in each st to end, ch 1, turn

Repeat Rows 3-8 until you’ve reached your desired length. If working up as pictured, change flower color every 5 flower rows.

To finish, repeat rows 3-4 one final time. Bind off. 

Work Border:

Rnd 1: With RS facing and color A, starting at the bottom right corner, evenly space sc along side edge of work. [TIP: while working along the side edges: evenly space as follows: Colour A: place 4 sc, 2 sc over green edge, 2 sc over petals]

Place 3 sc in corner stitch and proceed along remaining 3 sides being mindful of corner sts. Join with a slst to first st in border. Ch 1, do not turn. 

Rnd 2: In BLO, sc in each st around, placing 3 sts in 2nd st of 3-st corner from prior round. Change to accent color of choice (I used pink)

Rnd 3-4: as rnd 2. Bind off, weave in ends. Enjoy!

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